A Word

The Marathon Diaries: Week Five
by Jacqueline AlexanderFirst published on Sir Steve Redgrave's website
Five time Olympic gold medallist, Sir Steve Redgrave, and Jacqueline Alexander, noted PUP (Pathetically Unfit Person) compare diaries as they train for the London Marathon.
Jacqueline's diary:
I have just looked at Steve's diary for the week and mentioned to Phil Kennedy that, in comparison to Steve, I should be wearing a halo - unfortunately, I was reminded that Steve already has five!
This week my challenge has been to overcome overwhelming tiredness. I made a mistake on Sunday by completing my 12km run on a empty stomach. I felt ok at the time and thought I would scoff myself silly when I returned home but for some reason, I had no appetite at all. I did force myself to have a bowl of soup and some warm crusty bread but this was obviously not enough to keep the fatigue at bay for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... you get the idea!
Since then I have received a deluge of advice on nutrition. Apparently I should be eating bananas, pasta, blueberries, isotonic drinks and kiwi fruits. I just hope that I don't have to eat them at the same time! I am now changing my diet - not drastically - I am simply introducing more carbohydrates and fresh fruit. I have yet to see any dramatic results but I only started this morning so I am probably expecting too much.
Due to time constraints, I have shuffled my programme around this week. I have completed the 3 x 3 mile runs but I missed my 10km race so I am off to do that now. I really hope the new diet works because I have to run everyday this week - I will try hard to stay awake to do next week's diary!
Sir Steve's diary:
This has been a week full of activity. Skiing, skating, snowboarding, ice hockey, bobsleigh - unfortunately, my sport for the week has been spectating. And I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
As you know, I started the week with a sore Achilles tendon - this has now mutated into a cold! This would normally serve as a good reason to miss training in order to recover but as Jacqueline trained through her cold a couple of weeks ago, she has foiled my plan!
In my defence, I did plan to go to the gym once we arrived in Turin but I have to admit, I don't even know where it is! My back-up plan involved using the hotel stairs but I couldn't find them! So my exercise for the week has been pushing the button in the lift - quite strenuous I think you'll agree.
In between lift work-outs, I have done quite a bit of walking around Turin - honest! But if honesty is the dish of the day, then I have to confess that this week is a wash-out. I will just have to catch-up next week but looking at my diary when I return to England, it's not looking good. I'll let Jacqueline know how I get on before she goes on Radio Oxford on Saturday... hopefully, it will be good news!
by Jacqueline Alexander
Copyright 2012
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