A Word

Just a half: Oh no! I'm starting to enjoy this
by Jacqueline Alexander
First published in the Henley Standard newspaper
SOMETHING terrible has happened.
There are no further injuries to report and Sam and I are pressing on with the training but - and this is a big but - I am starting to enjoy the fruits of my labour.
I feel better, my mother tells me I look better and I am enjoying the post-training glow which means that, if I am to keep enjoying these results, I will have to continue training.
Now I know what they mean by a poisoned chalice. Sam is the stoic one of our team. Our trainer, Richard, says "go" and that's exactly what she does.
If Forrest Gump lived in South Oxfordshire, he would have a formidable running mate. I, on the other hand, moan, crack questionable jokes, call my trainer names and wish dreadful things upon his future. I am a runner with a bad attitude.
I had to miss training on Saturday due to a weak excuse. Sam failed to tell me that when I caught up with my training on Monday I would have to run up Remenham Hill - twice.
Never in my wildest nightmares have I thought about running up Remenham Hill, never mind twice. We have just over two weeks to go before the big race but this is no longer the issue on my mind. Come what may, Sam and I will get round the course.
The issue now is how we can reap the benefits without the labour. Any ideas? There's a considerable reward available for anyone with the answer. Please send your suggestions via www.henleystandard.co.uk Thank you.
Next: Sneezes, sweat and fears - the race
Copyright: Jacqueline Alexander 2012
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