A Word

Press Release:
Sir Geoff to be reunited with World Cup '66 ball by Jacqueline Alexander
First distributed and published 2011

Sir Geoff Hurst MBE is to be reunited with one of the most famous icons in English sporting history.

As part of his 70th birthday celebrations on 8th December, 2011, the famously orange ball from the '66 World Cup Final is to travel from the National Football Museum in Manchester to the Park Plaza Hotel in London, the location for the 2012 Sparks Winter Ball, the flagship event for the children's medical research charity.

This year, the Winter Ball is celebrating the birthday of its long-term champion, friend and former president, Sir Geoff, who is to receive a Lifetime Presidency from the charity's patron, HRH Princess Michael of Kent.

The ball, owned by the Daily Mirror, Eurostar and the Virgin Group, will be escorted by two representatives from the National Football Museum, including David Pearson, Deputy Director, asİit makes a rare trip away from home.

The Museum, currently in the process of moving to its new location in one of Manchester's landmark buildings, Urbis, is to be reopen in Spring 2012 and is expected to attract over 350,000 visitors per year.

To complete the evening's events, joining Sir Geoff will be his former team mate, and fellow World Cup Final goal scorer, Martin Peters.

The opportunity to be photographed with the two World Cup heroes and the iconic orange ball will be auctioned to the highest bidders on the night with the proceeds going to the Sparks charity.

Website: www.geoffhurst.com
Contact: Jacqueline Alexander
Email: jacqueline@st41.co.uk
Mobile: +44 (0)1491 572712

by Jacqueline Alexander
Copyright 2013

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